Full Movie Flag Day 2021 Online In HD - MoviesJoy

What would a caring parent not do for the sake of their children? But are all paths allowed? Answer this question everyone for yourself. Full movie Flag Day MoviesJoy online in HD. 

Everyone wants happiness for their descendants, but sometimes for this you need to go downhill, and not use the most legal methods. The main character is John. So that his daughter doesn't have to worry about anything in future, he starts robbing banks, being a caring parent. As a result, John becomes one of the biggest fraudsters and counterfeiters in United States history. Now he is not only being hunted by the police, but also by many enemies, which he managed to make. He only wanted to provide peace for his daughter, but he only found trouble and dark clouds over his head. Ever since the hero became a forger, his beloved daughter is always in danger. John, as a loving father, will tear everyone away from his child, but someday his strength will run out. How will this story end? After all, man is not omnipotent, as he sometimes thinks. Did John regret that he went the wrong way?
